Cola reads for fiction and poetry from October 1st until December 31st. All submissions are considered for our print journal and our website. Our paid reading period is in November and December, with a submission fee of $3. This period supports the basic operational costs of running our journal such as publishing, web hosting, etc.

Our free reading period is in October. All submissions, free or otherwise, are considered equally. 

Ends on $3.00

Poetry submissions should include 3-5 poems limited to a single document. All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter. 

Thank you for trusting us with your work. 

Ends on $3.00

 Fiction submissions should be limited to a single story (this does not include flash fiction). We tend to prefer stories in between 1,500 and 5,000 words.  All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter, including a brief (about 100 words or fewer) third person bio and a mailing address, and should include the title of the story on all pages. If you submit in the fall, please wait for the next fall before submitting again.


If you have flash fiction, please redirect yourself to the proper portal. Thank you!

Ends on $3.00

Flash fiction submissions must be under 1,500 words, and you may submit 1-3 pieces.  All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter, including a brief (about 100 words or fewer) third person bio and a mailing address, and should include the title of the story on all pages. If you submit in the fall, please wait for the next fall before submitting again.


Please select this option to purchase a 2 or 3 year subscription. Subscriptions start with the current issue unless otherwise requested. Thanks for your support!

Cola Literary Review